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Class Wallet

Wallet is an API module for initializing wallets and creating/accessing accounts

A wallet is represented by mnemonic phrase, and in practice is a BIP32 Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet based on Stellar's implementation of SLIP-0010. You can think of a wallet as a master key, and the account represent keys specific to a given application or use-case. Any given wallet may create an arbitrary number of accounts.

Accounts are generated via the wallet pass-phrase and are an Ed25519 public/private keypair used to sign backups, provision libp2p identities, etc. Textile uses Ed25519 here because it's fast, compact, secure, and widely used. See the EdDSA Wikipedia page for more details.


  • Wallet




  • new Wallet(recoveryPhrase: string, check?: boolean): Wallet
  • Initialize a new Wallet


    • recoveryPhrase: string

      Mnemonic pass-phrase (aka wordlist, recovery phrase, etc)

    • Default value check: boolean = false

      Whether to validate the input recovery phrase

    Returns Wallet



  • accountAt(index: number | number[], password?: undefined | string): Account
  • Derives accounts (address/seed pairs) from a Textile wallet

    Uses wallet seed to derive (hardened) BIP-32 hierarchical key for a path in BIP-44 format.


    • index: number | number[]

      Account index. This is the (possibly multi-dimensional) index at which to derive an account key. For highly hierarchical systems, an index of arbitrary dimension can be used. For example, to derive the 3rd 2nd-level keypair, of the 1st account, index would be [0, 3].

    • Optional password: undefined | string

      mnemonic recovery phrase password (omit if none)

    Returns Account

    The specified index and associated keypair

Static fromEntropy

  • fromEntropy(strength?: undefined | number): Wallet
  • Generate a new Walet from a given entropy level


    • Optional strength: undefined | number

      The bits of entropy to use (defaults to 128)

    Returns Wallet

Static fromWordCount

  • fromWordCount(wordCount: number): Wallet
  • Generate a new Wallet from a given word count


    • wordCount: number

    Returns Wallet