AddressInfo | Information about a wallet address. |
Archive | Information about a bucket archive. |
ArchiveConfig | ArchiveConfig is the desired state of a Cid in the Filecoin network. |
ArchiveDealInfo | Information about a Filecoin deal for a bucket archive. |
ArchiveOptions | An object to configure options for Archive. |
ArchiveRenew | ArchiveRenew contains renew configuration for a ArchiveConfig. |
Archives | Current and past archives for a bucket. |
BuckMetadata | |
CidInfo | Information about the current jobs and storage state of a data cid. |
CidSummary | Summary information about a cid in Powergate. |
ColdConfig | Cold storage configuration. |
ColdInfo | Current cold storage state. |
CollectionConfig | CollectionConfig is the configuration options for creating and updating a Collection. It supports the following configuration options: - Name: The name of the collection, e.g, "Animals" (must be unique per DB). - Schema: A JSON Schema), which is used for instance validation. - Indexes: An optional list of index configurations, which define how instances are indexed. - WriteValidator: An optional JavaScript (ECMAScript 5.1) function that is used to validate instances on write. - ReadFilter: An optional JavaScript (ECMAScript 5.1) function that is used to filter instances on read.The writeValidator function receives three arguments: - writer: The multibase-encoded public key identity of the writer. - event: An object describing the update event (see core.Event). - instance: The current instance as a JavaScript object before the update event is applied.A falsy return value indicates a failed validation. Note that the function arguments must be named as documented here (writer, event, instance). These functions run in a secure sandbox where these argument names are specified.Having access to writer, event, and instance opens the door to a variety of app-specific logic. Textile Buckets file-level access roles are implemented in part with a write validator.The readFilter function receives three arguments: - reader: The multibase-encoded public key identity of the reader. - instance: The current instance as a JavaScript object.The function must return a JavaScript object. Most implementations will modify and return the current instance. Note that the function arguments must be named as documented here (reader, instance). These functions run in a secure sandbox where these argument names are specified. Like write validation, read filtering opens the door to a variety of app-specific logic. Textile Buckets file-level access roles are implemented in part with a read filter. |
CopyAuthOptions | Set additional options when copying authentication. |
CreateOptions | |
CreateResponse | Bucket create response |
CriterionJSON | CriterionJSON represents a single Query criteria. |
CustomerResponse | The response type from getUsage |
CustomerUsage | |
DBInfo | DBInfo contains joining/sharing information for a Thread/DB. |
DealError | Information about a deal error. |
DealRecordsConfig | A configuration object to control the behavior of querying for deal records. |
FilConfig | Filecoin storage configuration. |
FilInfo | Current Filecoin storage state. |
FilRenew | Filecoin storage renew configuration. |
FilStorage | Current Filecoin storage state with a single miner. |
Filter | Filter parameters for db subscription |
GetOrCreateOptions | Options for getOrCreate |
GetOrCreateResponse | Response from getOrCreate |
GetThreadResponse | |
GetUsageResponse | |
HotConfig | Hot storage configuration. |
HotInfo | Current hot storage state. |
Identity | Identity represents an entity capable of signing a message. This is a simple "private key" interface that must be capable of returning the associated "public key" for verification. In many cases, the Identity will just be a private key, but callers can use any setup that suits their needs. The interface is currently modeled after libp2p-crypto keys. It is meant to be implemented by external libraries, though in practice, implementations are provided by the @textile/crypto library.If using in your own application, see the PrivateKey class. |
InboxListOptions | Inbox query options |
IpfsConfig | IPFS related storage configuration. |
IpfsHotInfo | Current IPFS storage state. |
Links | Response from bucket links query. |
MailboxEvent | The event type returned from inbox and sentbox subscriptions |
Path | A bucket list path response |
PathItem | A bucket path item response |
Period | |
Private | Private is an alias for the Identity interface. |
Public | Public is any entity associated with a given Identity that is capable of verifying a signature produced by said identity. In most cases, a public key will be obtained as a property of an object implementing the Identity and/or Private key interface. |
PushOptions | PushOptions provides additional options for controlling a push to a bucket path. |
PushPathResult | The expected result format from pushing a path to a bucket |
PushPathsResult | The expected result format from pushing multiple paths to a bucket |
QueryJSON | QueryJSON represents a single store Query. |
RemovePathOptions | RemovePathOptions provides additional options for path remove steps. |
RemovePathResponse | Response from remote path. |
RetrievalDealInfo | Information about a retrieval deal. |
RetrievalDealRecord | A record of a single retrieval deal. |
Root | Bucket root info |
SentboxListOptions | Sentbox query options |
SortJSON | SortJSON describes how and what field on which to sort a query. |
StorageConfig | Configuration for storing data in Powergate. |
StorageDealInfo | Information about a Filecoin storage deal. |
StorageDealRecord | A record of a single storage deal. |
StorageInfo | Current data storage state. |
StorageJob | Information about a storage job. |
Update | |
Usage | |
UsageOptions | GetUsage options |
UserMessage | The message format returned from inbox or sentbox |
ValueJSON | JSONValue is used by the gRPC server to handle JSON data types. |
WithKeyInfoOptions | Set the options for authenticating with an API key |
WithUserAuthOptions | Set the options for authenticating with a user auth |